
Folder 2015-13-No3


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Amputation: Avoidable or Not? ( 674 KB ) (2859 downloads) Popular
Barriers to the Delivery of Advanced Therapies ( 1.36 MB ) (2323 downloads) Popular
Communication Tools to Improve Clinical Practice and Patient Self-management ( 333 KB ) (1676 downloads) Popular
Full Issue ( 10.61 MB ) (3112 downloads) Popular
INTERIOR DESIGN: Optimize Your Environment for Healing or Preventing Skin Breakdown ( 7.99 MB ) (5940 downloads) Popular
Table of Contents ( 1.26 MB ) (1699 downloads) Popular
The CAWC: A New Vision to Meet the Needs of Canadians ( 332 KB ) (1578 downloads) Popular
Twitter: How to set up and leverage micro-blogging to disseminate #evidence and build a community of practice ( 3.80 MB ) (1881 downloads) Popular