By Virginie Blanchette PhD DPM; Loredana Talos IPSSA- endocrinology MUHC; Stéfanny Bleau Inf MSc; Karine Lamothe Inf ISPSCC (c) and Marie-Hélène Garneau TP

Abstract: This is a review of a session at the virtual Limb Preservation Symposia that recognizes a dual initiative undertaken to address diabetes management and prevent diabetic foot ulcers within Indigenous communities in the Province of Quebec (Canada). It highlights two intertwined projects: "Culturally Adapted Diabetes Management and Interprofessional Care" and "Preventing Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Pilot Project." Both initiatives underscore the importance of culturally adapted care, patient engagement, and collaborative approaches in addressing diabetes management and preventing diabetic foot ulcers within Indigenous communities.