Call for Poster Abstracts for the 2024 Wounds Canada National Hybrid Conference
  • Poster Abstract opening date: April 11, 2024
  • Poster Abstracts submission deadline: June 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EDT
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: August 9, 2024 (offers are valid for two weeks)
  • Deadline to accept or withdraw a poster abstract: August 23, 2024

Poster Abstract Topics

Poster abstract topics may include anything related to the promotion of skin health, and/or the assessment, prevention and management of wounds. We invite authors to share information about activities/projects related to skin health and wound care in a broad range of areas including research, education, health policy and clinical practice.  The content of the abstracts should represent new findings and/or recent work that has not previously been published (electronically or digitally) elsewhere.

Poster Abstract Format

  1. The online poster abstract submission process has a word limit set to a maximum of 300 words per abstract. This does not include references and author’s names and affiliations.
  2. Please use the following subtitles in your poster abstract: 
    • Title: Create a title that concisely and accurately portrays the content of the poster abstract.
    • Aim: Clearly state the purpose of the work.
    • Procedure/Method: Describe the procedures/activities or methodology used to conduct the work. Please provide specific information about subject characteristics or the healthcare setting where relevant.  
    • Findings/Results: Summarize key findings or important results that you wish to share with colleagues in a clear and concise manner. Where results warrant, provide reasonable conclusions that relate back to the study purpose/objectives.
    • Implications/Applications: Clearly state how the outcomes and potential applications are pertinent to this audience.


Poster Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. Poster abstracts must be submitted via the Oxford Abstracts website by June 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EDT. Please ensure all fields of the online submission and attached forms have been filled in completely and accurately.  
  2. A completed Duality of Interest Disclosure Form and poster abstract Copyright Form must accompany each poster abstract submission. These forms are available on the Oxford Abstracts website.
  3. Poster abstracts are to be submitted in English only.
  4. A maximum of four poster abstracts may be submitted per author.
  5. Poster abstract submissions that focus on, or refer extensively to brand, trade or commercial skin/wound care products will not be accepted.
  6. Poster abstract submissions that have very limited or no findings/results will not be accepted.
  7. All accepted abstracts will be published online as part of the conference proceedings.
  8. If your poster abstract is accepted for electronic poster presentation or oral poster presentation, at least one author must register for and attend the full in-person/on-site conference (October 17-19, 2024). This registration must occur within 10 business days of poster abstract acceptance. Presenters of poster abstracts will not be provided compensation for conference registration nor travel reimbursements.
    Conference Registration at
  9. The Poster Café (formerly Meet the Author) will occur during exhibit times (on-site) throughout the conference. The poster abstract author who registers for the conference will be assigned a time to be present (on-site) at the electronic poster display at the Poster Café to answer questions from conference attendees. Authors are welcome to be present at the electronic poster display at any time in addition to their assigned time. Further details about the Poster Café will be provided closer to the conference date.


Submitting a Poster Abstract

To submit a poster abstract, visit the Oxford Abstracts website by clicking on the following link:

Once on the website, follow the instructions to sign in or register. You will then be provided instructions on how to submit poster abstracts. You may log into the Oxford Abstracts website at any time to view or edit your poster abstract(s) up until the closing date (June 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EDT).



Oral Poster Presentations

There will be two sessions featuring oral poster presentations that will take place in-person/on-site in London, ON. If you wish to also be considered for an oral presentation of your abstract, please check the box during the poster abstract submission process. Abstracts will be selected for oral presentation by the Abstract Review Committee based on the overall score of the poster abstract submitted. 


Poster Abstract Awards

Wounds Canada is please to recognize authors of poster abstracts with the following awards. 

All poster abstract submissions accepted for inclusion at the conference will be eligible for the following awards (you may withdraw if you are selected and wish to not receive the award):

  1. BEST ABSTRACT AWARD: The Best Abstract Award is chosen by the Abstract Review Committee and is based on the overall score of the written poster abstract submitted.      
  2. JUDGES’ CHOICE AWARD: The Judges’ Choice Award is chosen by a panel of judges who will review the digital poster files prior to the conference.  
  3. PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD: The People’s Choice Award will be selected by conference delegates who after viewing electronic poster displays, provide the highest ratings of the poster abstract via the conference app survey.                    
  4. BEST ORAL PRESENTATION: The top presentation from the oral poster session(s) during the conference will be recognized during the Poster Winners and Prizes session, on Saturday, October 19th. The winner will be chosen by the moderator of the oral poster presentation session(s) and will be notified as early as possible on Saturday, October 19th so that they can plan to attend (in-person/on-site) and be recognized for their achievement. 

NEW INVESTIGATOR AWARD: Authors, who are currently enrolled as students or completed the project described in the abstract while registered at a recognized wound education program, can apply for the New Investigator Award. To be considered for this award, you must provide additional information and documentation. Click here for further instructions about how to apply for the New Investigator Award.

Award recipients will be announced during the Poster Winners and Prizes session on Saturday, October 19th. Winners will be asked to be present to be recognized for their achievements. Normally, authors receive only one award per conference.


Poster Abstract Review Process

  • All poster abstracts submitted will undergo a blinded review process using a standard abstract evaluation form. Click here to view the evaluation form.
  • The Abstract Review Committee will consist of a panel of your peers.
  • At least two reviewers will grade and comment on each poster abstract submission using an abstract evaluation form. A minimum average score of 18/30 must be attained to be accepted for presentation at the conference. Reviewer scores will also be used to select the best abstracts that will be presented during one of the two oral poster presentations.
  • Ties and discrepancies will be resolved by the Chair of the Abstract Review Committee.  
  • Be advised that abstracts will be automatically rejected if they:
    • Have very limited or no key findings/results included in the submission
    • Focus on, or refer extensively to brand, trade, or commercial skin/wound care products

Notification of acceptance or rejection of poster abstracts will be sent to authors who have submitted their abstracts for review by August 9, 2024. 

The deadline to accept or withdraw a poster abstract is August 23, 2024.  All requests to accept or withdraw must be received in writing to Sasangi Lokugonaduwage at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For inquiries regarding the poster abstract process, please contact Sasangi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.